Journalist Portfolio Directory

Featured portfolios selected from over 250,000 users.

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Formada em Relações Públicas, tenho experiência em produção de conteúdo, estratégia de marketing digital e redes sociais, assessoria de imprensa, além de habilidades em acessibilidade midiática.

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Tegan Scales

Writer | Editor | Copywriter Covering news, business, sustainability and tech in the B2B and SaaS arenas for the international market.

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Nichole Bodin

My fine art photography confirms the fragility of the world as a powerful force in Nature. It manifests a slight luster for secreted tidings with an ordinary and unaffected expectation. …

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Malick Reinhard

Journaliste RP indépendant pour la Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) et pour le quotidien Le Temps.

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Alarina Avenue

Dive into a realm where politics, Hallyu & music industry converge. Explore captivating tales and insightful opinion articles. It's more than journalism; it's a passionate exploration of cultural forces.

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Jack Bamfield

I am a specialist B2B writer with more than five years of experience in PR, communications and digital marketing. With a strong eye for news and an understanding of what …

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Tudo o que a arte me permite ser.

Virginiana metódica, nascida em 09/09 às 02:02. Costumo dizer que sou tudo o que a arte me possibilita, apaixonada por música, moda e criatividade. Criadora de conteúdo desde 2018, vivia …

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Quentin Saison

Étudiant en journalisme, je m'intéresse particulièrement au journalisme environnemental et local. Mes expériences répétées en PQR et dans le podcast On Perd le Nord m'ont convaincues que c'est cette approche …

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Quinn O'Connor

Welcome to my portfolio! I am a multimedia journalist and a recent graduate of Emerson College. I focus on government, social policy, and civil rights issues.

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Raven Lolia | Nurse Writer & Journalist

I'm a freelance nurse writer, UX writer, and healthcare journalist in Houston, Texas. As a health-focused writer, I provide multiple forms of written content. Specific areas of interest for me …

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suae quisque fortuna faber est

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the independent writing portfolio of Alex Taylor

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Felipe Freitas - Redator SEO

I'm a highly skilled writer with a strong understanding of SEO principles. I'm also proficient in a variety of content formats, including: blog posts, articles, web-dev, copy and social media. …

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Unaisa Baker

Inspirational Faceless Content

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