Blogger Portfolio Directory

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Formada em Relações Públicas, tenho experiência em produção de conteúdo, estratégia de marketing digital e redes sociais, assessoria de imprensa, além de habilidades em acessibilidade midiática.

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Alarina Avenue

Dive into a realm where politics, Hallyu & music industry converge. Explore captivating tales and insightful opinion articles. It's more than journalism; it's a passionate exploration of cultural forces.

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Tudo o que a arte me permite ser.

Virginiana metódica, nascida em 09/09 às 02:02. Costumo dizer que sou tudo o que a arte me possibilita, apaixonada por música, moda e criatividade. Criadora de conteúdo desde 2018, vivia …

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Muhammad Hata Ramadhian

Content Writing | Cloud Computing | SEOMaster of Science (MSc) Candidate at Berlin International University of Applied ScienceStudying DevOps and Cloud Computing Management

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Raven Lolia | Nurse Writer & Journalist

I'm a freelance nurse writer, UX writer, and healthcare journalist in Houston, Texas. As a health-focused writer, I provide multiple forms of written content. Specific areas of interest for me …

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the independent writing portfolio of Alex Taylor

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MN Mansha

Crypto Writer, ASO Expert, Blockchain Enthusiast

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Kfir Shlevin

Videographer - Photographer - Video Editorbased in - Israel

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Word Travels Copy

Writing Fuel for Brands that Love the Road

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Felipe Freitas - Redator SEO

I'm a highly skilled writer with a strong understanding of SEO principles. I'm also proficient in a variety of content formats, including: blog posts, articles, web-dev, copy and social media. …

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Bridget Onyeije

I write blog posts and long-form content for B2B SaaS Companies.

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Unaisa Baker

Inspirational Faceless Content

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Brand & Copy by Cheyenne Lightfoot

I am a Content Strategist who helps companies communicate their value through unique and powerful storytelling.

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